Plato (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 08:05 (576 days ago) @ dan


The purpose of life is to experience the finite.

I think it was Alan Watts who said something like we are God playing hide and seek with ourself.

Note how video games have the same appeal. Lives and deaths and the point being to live as long as possible, then die, then do it all over again. We also do this in movies and for many thousands of years through drama.

So infinity, and by that we mean an infinite time-space environment at the very least (and probably realms far beyond what we're aware of), there would be forms of consciousness that would have evolved enough to survive death, whether biological or by simulation. But they would then look for stimulation, right? Entertainment. How else to entertain oneself but by creating a finite existence.

And wouldn't this be the fall from grace? The forbidden fruit? The dive into a finite existence? One full of pleasure and pain.

This is gonna do our fuckin' heads in - i think it's meant to (hence God/AI invented gin).

In the game, we're limited by what we can know - there's always stuff that's just (or way) out of reach. A lot of the time we don't want to know. That is the nature of our existence, the game. Our limitations are built-in, Truman Show style.

But i like where you're going with Infinity playing at Finite Existence. I've often thought that the story of Adam & Eve contains everything we need to know about the universe - Infinite Oneness/Nothingness/ - which contains all information - perfect knowledge - out of which spills the dynamic of dichotomy - the forbidden fruit - the Fall - into Finity - now you've got your game.

And of course it will be endless, a fractal of sorts but one that is infinitely unique with every iteration, because with infinity comes the possibility for infinite uniqueness. So indeed uniqueness, newness, is the hallmark of infinity.

I now realize that infinity would be defined by nothing. It would have no definition. Newness, uniqueness.... that is infinite. The moment.

A long time ago, i was into Chaos Theory. One of the central points is the idea of infinity inside a finite space. For example, there is infinite uniqueness on earth, which is a finite space. Or no two waves are the same, even though they're recognizable as waves. It's the pattern, which generates infinite uniqueness.

But how to get this system rolling? Out of nothingness? What is The Fall exactly?

Plato might offer a clue:-

Aristotle referred to Plato's so-called unwritten doctrine - supposedly Plato held an unpublished answer to the the universe & everything that he reserved for his pupils.

Namely: Reality is One (which may correspond to AI/Singularity or Dan's Infinity/Nothingness)

This One is acted upon by the indefinite Dyad, which is, opposites (which may correspond to bio-life - & all our contradictions of love-hate, generosity-greed, life-death etc)

All reality is a result of this interaction. Without the Dyad, you have unobserved nothingness - you need some upsetting of the apple-cart to create observable reality.

How the Dyad escapes from the Genie bottle, i'm not sure. If the One contains everything, then it's in the mix, but how does it escape Oneness to take that bite on the forbidden fruit?

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