Harvey Norman plugs Fascism (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Wednesday, September 28, 2022, 18:09 (797 days ago) @ dulan drift

Fascism sounds inflammatory, it is, so let's get the definition up front from Google Merriam Webster: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

We can safely say the totalitarian CCP-refime qualifies. It's qualified for a helluva long time, it qualifies now, as much as ever, your normal trajectory.

Yet in Australia - speaking out against fascism has become a state-banned topic. Highly controversial. It's called/been prosecuted as Incitement - i kid you not.

Speaking in favour of Fascism is fine though ...

Just ask Aussie Oligarch, Gerry Harvey, founder of Harvey Norman Corporate Empire - selling: home-everythings - the dominant player ...

Nice work if you can get it.

Gerry Norman: If you want to get something done, the best system is the Chinese one. You just do it. You’ve got a government that’s in total control and they don’t give a fuck what the people say.

Full disclosure (never to be disclosed): Harvey Norman is 50+% stocked courtesy of the CCP's make-em vassal-state-dependent long march.

We have a situation now with our politics that we’ve never seen before. Going forward, whoever forms government somewhere down the path, the major parties may be having only 30 per cent of the vote.

Oh, wonder why that would be...?

When you’ve got a government that sees Labor in with full control or Liberal in with full control, you can get things done.

It's all about having full-control. Any idiot can see - look at me - I'm an Aussie-MOU!

When you’ve got a coalition of two, three, four or five or more independents, the process is slowed extraordinarily. They never get stuff done.

It’s a recipe for disaster, in many ways, but the way we’re heading with democracy I don’t think that’s going to change.

Here's another recipe for disaster: Aussie-oligarchs doing big-money deals with Fascist regimes ...

If I had to predict the future
(which you do if you're an MOU), I think there’ll be a lot more of these coalitions. I can see some advantage in that, but then if you want to build a road or a bridge or make something, it never gets done, it’s stopped dead.

No, it isn't.

Everyone wants a say and you’ve got big minority groups with a very loud voice and not a lot of numbers behind them.

Loud voice? Man, you've got the loudest voice going around in Australia. You're using that to say:

(T)he best system is the Chinese (CCP/Fascist-) one .. (T)hey don’t give a fuck what the people say.

This fascist penis-envy has become normalized-speech by the power-elites in Australia. It's so frightening...

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