Mass Formation Psychosis (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Tuesday, March 15, 2022, 12:59 (917 days ago) @ dan

A relevant video: MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

That describes our current predicament to a tee.

Pretty sure the Premier of Victoria, Dan Andrews, is a purveyor of this madness. Some of his lines were straight from the video - especially the stuff about hoovering up all our freedoms to keep us safe, then announcing that 'freedom' can only be accessed again by compliance to the regulations of the 'new normal'.

Worryingly, the video suggests that Covid (actually it doesn't mention Covid) is only one in a series of fear-inducing measures. Wonder what they've got for the next trick?

Jung should be taught in school - not only at university if you choose to study psychology. A good teacher could easily present his key points to year 11-12's. We have the absurd situation where the 'experts' with the most relevant wisdom for dealing with out societal problems are virtually banished from our educational curriculum.

Why? Because Empiricism (modern science), with its insistence that it is right about everything, has effected a totalitarian power-grab to install itself as our knowledge gate-keepers and final arbiters. Everyone else has to shut up and take their medicine.

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