Havana Syndrome (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Sunday, February 06, 2022, 18:02 (1019 days ago) @ dulan drift

Andrew Wood, Swinburne: We believe the main biological effect of the electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones is a rise in temperature. There are also concerns that there could be more subtle effects, such as links between long-term exposure and certain types of cancer, but while there is some evidence from epidemiological and animal studies, these remain controversial.

The way Nature couches the language is typical of the slippery truth-variant (saw that on a Melbourne protest placard) the world's leading science mag produces.

First off - the rise in temperature is a good point. You don't need to overthink electromagnetic waves floating through space - the point is they're hot. Putting your head/body too close to a source of heat is not good - whether it's a fire or electromagnetic radiation.

Science establishment's Covid response comes from a well-worn playbook:
1. Well, there's no evidence - we know that coz we suppressed it - then when it escapes anyway:

2. There's some evidence from epidemiological and animal studies of a cancer link - but it remains controversial.

So some evidence still = no evidence. (a la Ivermectin, Covid origin, vaccines, you name it)

Nice trick - another one of those mysteries of science that we may never know ...


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