China Radiation Leak (General)

by dan, Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 19:25 (1189 days ago) @ dan

It looks as though this story may have been broken by CNN, though still trying to confirm.

Here are some disturbing highlights, in addition to what Mike already posted all from this CNN story:

  • ...a French company that part owns and helps operate it warned of an "imminent radiological threat,...
  • The warning included an accusation that the Chinese safety authority was raising the acceptable limits for radiation detection outside the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant in Guangdong province in order to avoid having to shut it down...
  • Despite the alarming notification from Framatome, the French company, the Biden administration believes the facility is not yet at a "crisis level," COMMENT: Note the use of the adverb YET.
  • Framatome had reached out to the US in order to obtain a waiver that would allow them to share American technical assistance in order to resolve the issue at the Chinese plant. There are only two reasons why this waiver would be granted, and one is an "imminent radiological threat," the same verbiage used in the June 8 memo. COMMENT: What is the other?
  • The two nuclear reactors in Taishan are both operational, the statement said, adding that Unit 2 had recently completed an "overhaul" and "successfully connected to the grid on June 10, 2021." The statement did not define why or how the plant was overhauled.
  • Later on Monday, a spokesperson for EDF said the increased levels of radiation were caused by a "degradation of the housing of the fuel rods." COMMENT: But.. didn't the plant just get overhauled? And the housings of the fuel rods are failing? Doesn't make sense.
  • The spokesperson noted that the risk of a potential leakage in the rod housing was first discussed following a planned refueling outage in October 2020 after initial measurements led to suspicions of a "lack of tightness" in the housings. However, the spokesperson stressed that without a full analysis, it is too early to confirm whether a complete shutdown of the reactor is needed, adding that EDF currently has no information regarding the origin of the rod housing degradation. COMMENT: So, they knew the housings were bad, but more importantly, right now, they still don't know if the reactor should or should not be shut down.

It gets worse:

The issue first emerged when Framatome, a French designer and supplier of nuclear equipment and services that was contracted to help construct and operate the Chinese-French plant, reached out to the US Department of Energy late last month informing them of a potential issue at the Chinese nuclear plant.

The company, mainly owned by EDF, the French utility company, then submitted an operational safety assistance request on June 3, formally asking for a waiver that would allow them to address an urgent safety matter, to the Department of Energy, warning American officials that the nuclear reactor is leaking fission gas.

The company followed up with DOE on June 8 asking for an expedited review of their request, according to a memo obtained by CNN. (Emphasis added)

So it appears this situation has been getting worse over the last month, and that it reached a point that the company had to essentially send an emergency request of sorts to expedite the request for help.

Framatome reached out to the US government for assistance, the document indicates, because a Chinese government agency was continuing to increase its limits on the amount of gas that could safely be released from the facility without shutting it down, (Emphasis added)

So they were continuing to increase the limits. This wasn't a one off increase. It's an ongoing increase of limits.... but.. OK, no contamination.

In the June 8 memo, Framatome informed DOE the Chinese safety authority has continued to raise regulatory "off-site dose limits." It also says the company suspects that limit might be increased again as to keep the leaking reactor running despite safety concerns for the surrounding population. (Emphasis added)

Good God.

"If they do have a gas leak, that indicates some of their containment is broken," Rofer said. "It also argues that maybe some of the fuel elements could be broken, which would be a more serious problem."

Nothing to see here everyone. Keep moving.

While there is a chance the situation could become a disaster, US officials currently believe it is more likely that it will not become one, the source added.

Well, that's reassuring! Sort of like, I don't know, the pandemic!

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