Is this the big one? 16W-Bolaven (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Monday, August 20, 2012, 19:35 (4265 days ago) @ dan

It's interesting how the area of error lessons as it passes over Taiwan. It's as if to say, "It could go north or south a bit before hitting Taiwan, but it's going to zero in on you eventually." We'll see.


According to JTWC prognosis section, they're claiming a 'high degree of confidence' for the track on the grounds that the high is relatively stable, which appears to contradict the graph. I think, but i'm not sure, the error zone is actually a reflection of the season's previous track errors. As such, i'd say we're a very decent chance of getting whacked. Also seems to be edging closer to us with every update. Might be time to start taking this seriously and spend a day preparing.

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