Data dumping (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Thursday, November 10, 2022, 10:25 (539 days ago) @ dulan drift

This will surprise nobody, but Optus (and no doubt all corporations) keep your data for decades once they've scraped you - even if you haven't used their service for 20 years or more.

This is the real criminal activity. Why are corporations allowed to keep data indefinitely from non-customers? They can't protect it, they don't care that they can't protect it, there's no reason for them to have it - so why are they allowed to do it?

We all know the answer to that: it's coz they're big powerful corporations who do whatever to make themselves more powerful - and you're not - you're some meaningless entity whose only function is to supply money for the machine.

New details suggest something even more dastardly than that is going on with many victims reporting that they'd never had anything to do with Optus, but they're still getting notification that they're personal data has been exposed.
9 News: Many people who got letters advising they were victims of the hack had no historical links to Optus or its sub-brands.

The only explanation for that is data-dealing between corporations. It hasn't been admitted but that means nothing - Medibank refused to admit there had even been a hack for two weeks - in normal corpo-gov style they won't admit anything until it's absolutely impossible to continue to deny it. As we saw with Covid, the media (a like-minded corporation) does everything it can to protect its own cohort. The new narrative with data-security is that it's all about blaming the criminals - with no blame whatsoever for the companies that let the hackers in. If the chickens get into my vegetable patch, that's my fault, not the chickens' fault. Chickens will do what chickens do - it's my job to keep the fence in good order and the gate closed. But again, common-sense principles that apply to normal people are not applicable for the MOUs.

This is the horror of the world we live in. We're getting fucked over by corporations/media/govts on a daily basis - yet we've got zero recourse to hold them accountable - we have no influence - it's been stolen from us - along with our data.

Bring on the Revolution ...

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