Rats Jumping Ship - Facebook (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Saturday, May 29, 2021, 12:25 (1057 days ago) @ dulan drift

Facebook, one of the fattest rats of them all, has joined the WIV ship jumping Olympics.

Facebook: In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove the claim that COVID-19 is man-made from our apps.

We’re continuing to work with health experts to keep pace with the evolving nature of the pandemic and regularly update our policies as new facts and trends emerge.

"New facts and trends" - the same old bullshit line the others are using. Did you all have a Zoom call to get your slippery, slimy messaging aligned?

Again: there is no new evidence. The cornerstones of the evidence have been there for 12 months. One important bit came to light five months ago. Sane citizens were trying to alert you to it - but you kept banning them from your platforms and vilifying them.

The only "new facts and trends" emerging are the high dive triple back flips with pike from the fat rats as they flee the CCP's luxury ship. Big tech, big-media, big-science, big politics, big-everything have now realized they're not going to get away with their whopping lies/power grab after all.

Looked like you might there for a while - you did have every big-base covered. In that totalitarian-like environment it's very hard for the truth to get oxygen - even i was getting pessimistic.

But citizens kept the fire flickering. Almost every bit of research that shows Covid was a lab-leak was uncovered by concerned citizens free-of-charge. (including this group: DRASTIC)

None of it was uncovered from any of those receiving billions in funding from WHO or any country's CDC. They suppressed it. What does that tell you about the health of the system?

SCORING - Facebook

Type of Dive: Running backwards triple back flip with pike

Degree of Difficulty: (had banned users mentioning Covid was man-made): 10

Aerial Dexterity: (contortions excellent but marred by wardrobe malfunction): 7.5

Splash on Entry: Quietly released statement - no apology: 10

Total: 27.5

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