Taiwan Insects (Insects)

by dulan drift ⌂, Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 22:01 (4580 days ago)

A forum for Tawain's bountiful insects. (Would like to start other ones for animals, birds, reptiles, botany, fish, etc - feel free to kick some off if you have any photos, or add info if you have it.)
black tiger head (hei hu tou fong): body black with yellow/orange and black markings on face, approx 3.5 cm long, builds nest high in trees, aggressive if nest is approached, will attack en masse, able to spit venom, painful sting, potentially fatal if stung enough times or if victim has an allergic reaction.

Asian giant hornet (tu fong):yellow/orange and black striped body, yellow/orange and black face, approx 5 cm long, builds nest on ground, aggressive if nest is approached though tends to attack singularly rather than en masse, not able to spit venom, extremely painful sting, single hornet will sting more than once.

stick insect (Ch:?) size: approx 15cm. I don't know much about them to be honest. Once they find a spot, they don't seem to move much. Really looks like a stick.

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