typhoon nalgae (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Thursday, September 29, 2011, 16:27 (4594 days ago)

Next one in the production line is rolling our way and we could be getting up to the last few chances so we better see if we can steer this one home. Looks a bit on the piddling size at this stage though it should ramp up in the next 24 hours or so. JTWC and CTB have it down as a so called 'straight runner' which would have it going south of Taiwan but i don't think the steering forces are as clear-cut as they were for nesat so there is still hope. If it rides the edge of the STR it will dip down to the south over night before heading back up towards us courtesy of the developing weakness in the ridge - or so the theory goes. [image]

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