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Apr 2, Kanagawa: Cold and breezy. High of 10 forecast. Just went for a walk at 10AM. 8C and windy by the ocean. Hazy. Should be sunny later. I want last year's April! From April 10 last year: April has been brilliant so far with mostly sunny skies, highs around 20 or just a hair under, and lows in the 10-15 range. It's been very comfortable, pleasant. Cherry blossoms are gone but lots of various things flowering.

Apr 4, Kanagawa: Continued cold, wet, windy weather. High today was 10 but it felt colder with the rain and wind out of the north. It's supposed to dry out and warm up later this week.

Apr 8, NR: Still raining more or less every day, but nothing big. Pecans turning yellow. Inside temp is still around 20C when i go to bed - same as it's been for last few weeks. Some white cockatoos but not big numbers. Black cockatoos appearing intermittently - i think they want to be here for the pecans but don't like the rain. Saw three wedge-tailed eagles soaring yesterday - one of them was a baby, which is nice that they're breeding. The baby was continually emitting a squeaking noise in flight - normally wedgies don't make noise when flying - so kinda cute. Tomatoes somehow survived the big rains - i did cover them for the second one - hopefully they hang on. Got 2 out of 4 avocados i'd grown from seed to take a graft - need to improve my technique but first time i've done it. They're $80 a pop at nurseries for a grafted plant so worth the effort. A lot of baby snakes around after rain - seem to be under every bit of stuff I pick up such as tin or even grass clippings. During first flood, i couldn't get the sliding screen door to open - realized there was a big black snake jamming it. Small goanna is still around. Was catching mice in the trap then throwing them (they're already dead) to the goanna, who swallows them whole. He also like a bit of sausage.

Apr 8, Kanagawa: Finally we're getting seasonal weather. Nice day, low winds, high of 19 or so. This is what it's supposed to be.

Apr 10, Kanagawa: First warm day of spring. 26C at 2:30. First day hot enough to not want to wear long pants. We saw some odd creature in the bay. You can see them here: Any ideas what they are? We saw at least fifty of them. I couldn't tell if they were alive or not. If they were dead, why weren't they decomposing? Unless they all died suddenly due to the heat? Odd. At first I thought it was some form of pufferfish, but I can't find any pictures of pufferfish that look like this.

Apr 15, Kanagawa: April has been fairly nice so far with some warm days, but yesterday and today have been an exception, with rain, wind, and highs of only 11-12. This is almost 10C below normal.

Apr 20, NR: 'Last day of summer' today (30C) - which is rather late. The mid-Apr switch didn't quite happen this year - i see it's down to 16C in Taipei - but forecast for a run of 30's after today. Depressingly, there's another whole week of rain forecast for here after today. We have had three days without rain so guess this is our payback. Still can't get down to tree paddock to mow grass (too boggy) - it's been nearly 2 mths that i can't get in (since first flood). Goes without saying that records were smashed for most rain for Feb & Mar - around 2000mm fell in the first three months of the year. Smooth skin avocados are ready but Haas variety needs longer. Nights are cooler 15-16C) - need track pants, even jumper, but no need for heater yet. Late season tomatoes have hung on - been covering them during bigger rain - one drowned - 4 still ok. Haven't got much else in coz all the seedling places were smashed (twice) during the floods. Goanna appears to have hibernated. Saw buff-breasted rails with two chicks yesterday. They love the rain so having a bumper year. Noticed a couple of galahs with what appeared to be bird flu - about a month ago. Rescued one from the goanna and put it in a shed with food and water but it died a couple of days later. No other bird species appears to be infected.

Apr 20, Kanagawa: Yesterday was mild and mostly sunny,but today is once again rainy and unseasonably cold with a high of 13.

Apr 30, Kanagawa: Lots of rain yesterday high in the mid teens. Clear this morning, 9C at 6:00AM, which is well below normal.

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