Rainfall 2015 (Weather)

by dulan drift ⌂, Wednesday, January 14, 2015, 17:00 (3403 days ago)


Jan 7: 9.5mm (preceeding cold front)
Jan 13-4: 19.5mm (preceeding coldfront)
Jan 27: 26mm (as above, dead calm, light rain all night and morning)


FEb 7: 2mm
Feb 13: 1mm
Feb 21-22: 14mm (all preceding arrival of coldfront - light south wind seems to be key indicator - mei yu type front seems to be forming)

Total Feb: 17mm. (Another month of well below ave falls)


March 12: 1mm
March 15-16: 41mm (preceeded by hot few days and southerly wind -rainfall limited to south east coast)
March 27: 11mm

March total: 53mm (first month in a long time with above ave)


April 2: 3mm
April 6: 39mm (typhoon thru north ppe)
Apeil 11: 12mm (cold front from north - island wide rain - cold rain)
April 17-18: 22mm (localized falls on east coast - hot, sultry before - strong southerly)
April 21: 1mm (big cold front from north - wet all over the island but didn't make it across ranges)
April 22: 1mm
April 24: 1.5mm
April 27: 1.5mm
April 30: 3mm

April Total: 74mm (slightly above ave - most in first half of April)


May 2: 6mm (first mei yu front)
May 9 3mm (mei yu front with typhoon approaching)
May 11: 27mm (typhoon passing up east coast)
May 12: 2mm
May 14-15: 5mm (mamatus clouds the day before - CWB 0% pop)
May 21-27: 100mm (week long mei yu event - front to south then tilting up east coast - 70mm on that day - never really got torrential)
May 31: 3.5mm

Total: 147mm (slightly below ave of 155 - well-spaced falls - only watered once or twice)

June (ave 227mm)

June 20: 13mm (TS to south west of TW)
June 21: 0.5mm
June 22: 1mm

Total June: 14.5mm (ave is 275 - so way low. lowest in ten years at least. possibly lowest on record)


July 5: 1.5
July 6: 25.5
July 7: 125mm (approx - water guage fell off post - typhoon to south)
July 13: 90mm (typhoon to east spawned TD to south east which spawned storm cell over us - CWB had us at 30% pop)
July 18-19: 70mm (low to the south)
July 20: 6mm

Total July: 318mm

August: ave 302mm

Aug 7: 8mm (typhoon landfall through Hualien - front half total - wind from NE)
Aug 8: 33mm (back half of typhoon, wind from south west)
Aug 20-22: 95mm (typhoon goni - stalled to the south east then headed due north - no rain after eye passed north of us)
Aug 25-26: 15mm (stationary low off south west coast - big falls in the south and west)
Aug 31: 15.5mm (above low becane stationary front running along west coast of Taiwan)

Total Aug: 166.5mm (felt like regular rain, but way below ave)

Sep: Ave 345mm
Sep 7: 3mm (return of above front)
Sep 16: 2mm (low to south west)
Sep 21?: 10 mm (local fall)
Sep 28: 6 mm (typhoon dujuan through ilan - foehn wind in taidong)
Sep 30: 10 mm (remnants in trail of typhoon)

Total Sep: 31 mm (record dry Sep? Certainly driest in ten years - no typhoons going south of us)


Oct 4: 1mm
Oct 6: 5.5mm (band of rain extending down east coast from Yilan)
Oct 18-21: 34 mm
Oct 31: 6mm

Total: 46mm


Nov 1-6: 94 mil (only 64 mil reported for Taidong city but going on what was in guage while i was away in Aus)
Nov 15: 10.5 (coldfront down from north)

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