Active August-Trami (Weather)

by dulan drift ⌂, Thursday, August 22, 2013, 19:28 (3909 days ago) @ dulan drift

Another 22mil in the rain guage overnight - but 700 plus in Taijhong, which is a serious amount - haven't heard whether there was any damage or casualties, but you'd assume there would be something with that amount.
No front wind, which you'd expect, and the back wind took a while to kick in - about 12 midnight - and although not huge, i'm impressed by its staying power - still gusting through now at 7.30, and at about the same level. Meanwhile the eye is a couple hundred k's inland in China.
Annoyingly, the power went out here, and one of the longest outages i've ever experienced in a typhoon, though the winds would have been lucky to have hit 70kph and the rain was moderate. Combined with a dose of foehn wind at night and it didn't make for great sleeping conditions.

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