possible straight runner- soulik (Weather)

by dulan drift ⌂, Sunday, July 14, 2013, 23:01 (3948 days ago) @ dan

they were saying it hit a max of 36 C on the news - at night - never experienced anything like it. I don't know if there's a world record for overnight temp, but that would have to be close.
Wind did come howling though around 3am and went for a bit over an hour but it was still bizarely hot. i'd just gone to bed around 1.30, drunkish, then got up again when the wind woke me. It was 'raining' rong shu berries on the roof like a hailstone lashing. (I swear that rong shu tree carries millions of berries - total survival overkill) I went out to the porch with a bad headache and had a cigarette in this furnace blast wind. Strange kind of semi-dream experience - like a sensory disconnect. Shouldn't this wind be cooler - where's the rain - why can't i breathe - did i really drink that much?

Checked the guage on Sat afternoon and there was only 13mil. So CWB did kind of know what they were talking about. Though we did get a decent downpour today as the remnants of the tail dragged across us.

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