mei yu 2013 (Weather)

by dulan drift ⌂, Monday, May 20, 2013, 22:45 (4003 days ago) @ dan

Yeah, this looks like it's shaping up as the big one as far as the mei yu season goes. Those are vicious looking radar images and a lot more of it seems to have made it across to the east coast than i would have expected, so we could be in for a drenching as well. Great lightning show tonight. A lot of it happens on the other side of the coastal range and you can hear that thunder reverberating up the rift valley for well over ten seconds.

Amazing cloud formations this afternoon and at one stage it was raining heavily while the sun was shining brightly in the west. Spectacular rainbows and sunsets are also features of the mei yu.

This is one of the great moments in Taiwan's weather calendar chappening right at the moment.


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