Typhoon Tembin 2 (Weather)

by dulan drift ⌂, Sunday, August 26, 2012, 14:10 (4272 days ago) @ dan

Was just about to start a Tembin 2 thread when i saw you'd already done it.
I was slightly skeptical that it was going to come back but it does appear to have turned.
One of the key things will be the 'poleward and equatorial outflows'. If it starts feeding rain into southern Taiwan before it arrives then it has the potential to cause significant rain damage. Hasn't really been able to properly regain its structure at this stage and in it's present form doesn't look too dangerous, but it is over clear ocean with optimal sea surface temp so it could ramp up again.


The worst case scenario for us would be if it slides up the east coast. That way it would still be over water enabling it to maintain its strength while feeding rain into us even as it approaches and passes.

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