Singapore Airlines Incident (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Friday, May 24, 2024, 19:37 (107 days ago)

The sudden plunge, without warning, then lurch upward of Singapore Airlines flight SQ321 from London to Singapore is curious.

It's described as turbulence, probably was, but there are some weird things about it. From the little i've read, 'the experts' say that kind of turbulence coming out of nowhere is very unlikely, but theoretically possible. (bit like the pangolin-bat love-child)

Makes me countenance a possible cyber-attack. Did the plane drop coz the controls had been hacked, or the AI auto-pilot system simply malfunctioned?

The passengers were mainly from Aus (56) & UK (47)

It happened over Myanmar's Irrawaddy Basin - which is near the equator, so it would be turbulent - but it's also a good place to stage an attack. Handy to China.
Likely as described - a freak turbulence event - but actual details from the airline have been limited. Still not sure if there was a storm - or it was so-called 'clear air' turbulence. Seems the seat-belt signs were not on.

Sounds like something out of disaster movie according to the witnesses - people flying up & hitting the roof then falling awkwardly back on the seats.

Singapore Airlines Incident

by dan, Thursday, May 30, 2024, 15:20 (101 days ago) @ dulan drift

I assume it was turbulence, but that's sort of a general term, a catch-all phrase for a plane shaking all to hell for a variety of atmospheric reasons.

Then I read this article and, although it doesn't have me putting on my foil hat, it does raise more questions than it answers.

Some snippets:

The plane dropped 178 feet (54 meters) in less than one second, which “likely resulted in the occupants who were not belted up to become airborne” before falling back down, the Transport Ministry said.

(Adding that for factual information. I seem to remember early reports of it dropping 3,000 feet or something.)

Early findings show that as the plane cruised at about 37,000 feet over southern Myanmar, it began to experience slight vibration due to changes in the gravitational force, the ministry said. The jet’s altitude increased — likely caused by an updraft, not by any action of the pilots — causing the autopilot system to push the plane back down to the selected altitude, the report said.

A lot going on here. I assume 'gravitational force' is a standard term in these reports, but I've never seen it before. But the plane's altitude first increased, then decreased via the autopilot system.

So we have an updraft... but then the plane plummets. But wait, there's more.

The pilots also noticed an uncommanded increase in airspeed, which they tried to check by extending panels called speed brakes, and “a pilot called out that the fasten seat belt sign had been switched on.”

An uncommanded increase in airspeed? Do they mean even by the autopilot? Very murky details here.


It was unclear what caused the turbulence.

So, basically, they lost control of the plane and don't know what the fuck happened.

Singapore Airlines Incident

by dulan drift ⌂, Thursday, May 30, 2024, 20:55 (101 days ago) @ dan

The pilots also noticed an uncommanded increase in airspeed, which they tried to check by extending panels called speed brakes, and “a pilot called out that the fasten seat belt sign had been switched on.”

An uncommanded increase in airspeed? Do they mean even by the autopilot? Very murky details here.


It was unclear what caused the turbulence.

So, basically, they lost control of the plane and don't know what the fuck happened.

Seems to have been a few uncommanded things happening. This from another report:

Prior to the sudden drop, the plane had initially experienced “slight vibration” and an “uncommanded increase in aircraft altitude” from 37,000 feet to 37,362 feet. The autopilot pitched the plane downward to its original altitude of 37,000 feet.

Presumably it was the pitching down bit that caused passengers to hit the roof.

So there were uncommanded increases in airspeed & altitude, then auto-pilot reacts to that causing the injuries?

As you say, it's not really clear.

It happened around 7.45 am apparently. Not a usual time for thunderstorms & there was not seatbelt sign on - so it must have been 'clear-turbulence'.

Some website: Clear-air turbulence occurs in cloudless and invisible conditions .. often around the jet stream, a fast-flowing ‘river’ of air typically found at 40,000-60,000 feet.
The speed difference between the jet stream air and the surrounding air, which can be as much as 100 mph, creates friction that leads to turbulence

The SA flight turbulence occurred at around 37 000 ft. That's 3000 ft away from the jet stream - but it may still be close enough to be in the friction zone, i guess.

Singapore Airlines Incident - Thunderstorm

by dulan drift ⌂, Saturday, June 15, 2024, 18:45 (85 days ago) @ dulan drift

The clear-air-turbulence sounded far-fetched, now the passengers' lawyers are saying there was a thunderstorm. Presumably, that can be proven one way or another by looking at the radar.

If there was, in an area known for thunderstorms, but the seat-belt sign wasn't turned on, that would be negligence.

It would comfortably explain Singapore Airlines lack of transparency, even if it's not as dramatic as a cyber hack.

Korean Air - Depressurization

by dulan drift ⌂, Thursday, June 27, 2024, 18:37 (73 days ago) @ dulan drift

(Taiwan News)Over a dozen passengers on a Korean Air flight bound for Taichung needed treatment after the Boeing 737 Max 8 jet experienced an uncontrolled depressurization on Saturday (June 22).

Another uncontrolled plane computer event.

50 minutes into its flight, pilots detected an issue with the plane's pressurization system as it flew over Jeju Island.

The malfunction led to cabin depressurization prompting pilots to descend from a cruising altitude of 9,100 meters to 2,700 meters.

Jeju Island is the southern most island of Korea, in the East China Sea, 534 km ENE of Shanghai.

Not saying it was a cyber hack, probably not, only that it could be, theoretically. If that day is not here already, it will likely come soonish.

There would be a shit-load of sleeper-hacks out there - lying ready to be activated at a time of the hacker-states's choosing. That much seems logical.


by dulan drift ⌂, Monday, July 08, 2024, 18:56 (62 days ago) @ dan

July 7 (Reuters) - Boeing has agreed to plead guilty to a criminal fraud conspiracy charge and pay a fine of $243.6 million to resolve a U.S. Justice Department investigation into two 737 MAX fatal crashes.

The fraud centered around knowingly false representations Boeing made to the FAA about new software that saved money by requiring less intensive training for pilots. The Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS) software feature was designed to automatically push the airplane’s nose down in certain conditions.

The deal does not shield any executives, the DOJ filing said, though charges against individuals are seen as unlikely due to the statute of limitations.

Classic ORG 'behaviour'. In fact it does shield executives, same way ORGs always do, coz none will be held accountable. Just pay a fine & carry on.

These executives made the decision to implement MCAS - to save money - then when it killed a bunch of people, they covered it up. All accomplished with zero responsibility by anyone - even after it was exposed.

I'm curious, has any ORG rep ever been jailed for covering up a crime? If you're an individual who covers up a murder, you go to jail, but if you're an ORG rep it seems you have total immunity. At least it explains why all those scientist felt emboldened to lie so brazenly to the world about Covid - they knew there would be no consequences - well not bad ones anyway - in fact they all made a fortune from it.


by dan, Monday, July 08, 2024, 19:23 (62 days ago) @ dulan drift

There's also an underlying thread here regarding automated systems.

The Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS) software feature was designed to automatically push the airplane’s nose down in certain conditions.

This sounds like, OK, yes, we're in part to blame but the real problem was that the automated system was at fault and we (fill in the blank: didn't test it enough, didn't train pilots on it enough, etc.)

As robots and automation replace humans, it will be even easier for corporations to avoid responsibility for all sorts of things. Run over by a self-driven car? Oops! Space junk blast through your roof? Freak accident, nobody to blame.

Autonomous multi-ton vehicle causing problems? Don't blame us!

As these systems take over, paying the fines will just be part of the business.


by dulan drift ⌂, Tuesday, July 09, 2024, 18:25 (61 days ago) @ dan

As robots and automation replace humans, it will be even easier for corporations to avoid responsibility for all sorts of things.

It's a natural evolution for ORGS. A siphoning up of individual influence. Best way to do that en masse is robots/AI. This is the real WW3 - World automation/centralization V the individual.

Meanwhile Boeing keeps making the news for all the wrong reasons. Today a wheel fell off shortly after take-off. Second time it's happened in a month, apparently.

Now that one, they probably will find a scapegoat - some lowly mechanic most likely - unless it was another automated process gone wrong.


by dan, Tuesday, July 09, 2024, 19:00 (61 days ago) @ dulan drift

What's happening with Boeing would be more of a story if we didn't have two senile liver spots running for the US presidency. Nothing makes sense.

Here's a quick and dirty list of what I could find for 2024 Boeing mishaps, not including the most recent wheel falling off. I'm sure there are many more that I missed. I wasn't aware that a second whistleblower had died in unusual circumstances.

EDIT: Message is too long. I'll see if I can increase max message length tomorrow. Not up to it at the moment. I'll split this list into two responses. THAT'S how much as been happening.


January 13

A Boeing 737-800 operated by Japan's All Nippon Airways was forced to cancel its takeoff on January 13 after a window in the cockpit cracked.

According to Reuters, a spokesperson for the airline said that the crack was on an outer layer of the window and noted that it "was not something that affected the flight's control or pressurisation."

January 17

Secretary of State Antony Blinken was scheduled to travel on a Boeing 737 from Switzerland on January 17 but was forced to board a different plane after an issue relating to a possible oxygen leak.

Matt Miller, a spokesperson for the State Department said that the Boeing 737 experience a mechanical issue, and a second Boeing airplane was sent to take Blinken back to the U.S.

January 19

Videos posted on social media on January 19 captured flames coming out of a Boeing 747-8 in Miami, Florida.

"Atlas Air Flight 95 returned safely to Miami International Airport around 10:30 p.m. local time on Thursday, Jan. 18, after the crew reported an engine failure," a spokesperson for the FAA told Newsweek last week. "The Boeing 747 was headed to Luis Muñoz Marin International Airport in Puerto Rico. The FAA will investigate."

January 20

A Boeing 757 operated by Delta Airlines lost a wheel during an attempted takeoff. A spokesperson for Delta confirmed the incident to Newsweek and said: "Delta Flight 982 ATL/BOG was taxiing for departure when a nose wheel tire came loose from the gear....All customers and their bags were removed from the aircraft, transferred to the gate, and onto a replacement aircraft. We apologize to our customers for the inconvenience."

January 23

In a statement provided to Newsweek, Boeing announced that it was planning to hold a "Quality Stand Down" on January 25 in Renton, Washington.

"During the session, production, delivery and support teams will pause for a day so employees can take part in working sessions focused on quality," the announcement said.

The statement also included portions of an internal message sent to employees that said: "The first of the stand downs will be held Thursday for the 737 program. Production, delivery and support efforts will pause for a day so teammates can take part in working sessions focused on quality."

In a statement on January 6, Boeing said it would support the FAA's decision to inspect their 737 aircraft.

"Safety is our top priority and we deeply regret the impact this event has had on our customers and their passengers," the statement said. "In addition, a Boeing technical team is supporting the NTSB's investigation into the Jan. 5 accident. We will remain in close contact with our regulator and customers."

February 6: A United 737 Max 8 experienced ‘stuck’ rudder pedals

United flight 1536 from the Bahamas to New Jersey reported stuck rudder pedals during the landing procedure. No one was injured, but the National Transportation Safety Board launched a probe into the incident.
March 7: Tire falls of a United Airlines flight shortly after takeoff from San Francisco

A Boeing 777-200 en route from San Francisco to Japan was rerouted to Los Angeles after a tire from the plane’s landing gear struts fell off immediately after takeoff. The plane landed safely in LA and again, no one was injured – but the incident only increased public paranoia. The car of one unlucky driver was significantly damaged when the tire crashed upon it, severely denting the left side of the vehicle. Fortunately, no one was in the car at the time.

March 9: A Boeing whistleblower is found dead -

John Barnett, a former Boeing quality control manager who became a whistleblower, is found dead in Charleston, S.C., where he once worked at Boeing's large 787 plant.

Police are investigating after finding Barnett dead in a vehicle. The coroner's office says he died "from what appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound."

Barnett was locked in a yearslong legal battle with Boeing. In a whistleblower complaint filed in early 2017, he accused his former employer of retaliating against him for raising safety concerns in the company's commercial airplanes.

"He was looking forward to having his day in court and hoped that it would force Boeing to change its culture," his family says in a statement.

March 11: 50 passengers injured after Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner dropped suddenly in mid-air

A LATAM Airlines flight from Sydney to Auckland, New Zealand, experienced a technical error that caused the plane to experience “strong movement” while en route to Auckland. 50 passengers were injured, though the flight landed safely in Auckland.

March 11: Boeing fails 33 of 89 audits during FAA inspection

The New York Times got ahold of a presentation that reveals dozens of issues throughout the manufacturing process, both at Boeing and at Spirit AeroSystems, a key supplier. The airline failed 33 of its 89 audits, with issues including inspectors finding Spirit staff using Dawn soap being as a lubricant on a door seal and a hotel room key card to check another door seal.

March 13: A United Airlines flight has a fuel leak en route from Sydney to San Francisco and is forced to turn back

A Boeing 777-300 operated by United Airlines was forced to return to Sydney on March 13 after reporting a fuel leak shortly after takeoff. The incident marked the fifth issue in a single week for United Airlines, but scrutiny quickly fell to Boeing as well, given its rough track record of late.

March 15: Boeing plane arrives in Oregon with missing external panel

A Boeing 737-800 en route from San Francisco to Medford, Oregon, arrived Friday without an external panel that had apparently been lost in flight. The debacle shut down Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport temprarily while staff searched for the panel, but it was not recovered onsite. United noted that the missing panel was on the underside of the plane where the wing meets the body.

March 25: Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun steps down

The malaise over the 737 Max — and a Q1 of 2024 rife with struggles — let Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun to announce on March 25 that he will step down as CEO by the end of the year. Also taking the exit door are Boeing Commercial Airplanes CEO Stan Deal and Larry Kellner, the chairman of Boeing’s Board of Directors. COO Stephanie Pope will step into Deal’s position. A new CEO for the company at large has not yet been announced.

March 29

United Airlines flight 990 - a Boeing 777-200 - from San Francisco to Paris had to touch down early in Denver after engine problems.


by dan, Tuesday, July 09, 2024, 19:00 (61 days ago) @ dan


April 4

Alaska Airlines announced that they had received $160 million in compensation from Boeing after their 737 Max 9s were grounded following the January 5 door blowout.

The amount was equal to the revenue lost according to a filing from the airline, but Alaska added that it anticipated receiving extra compensation too.

April 10

Another whistleblower, Sam Salehpour, came forward to Boeing of taking shortcuts when building its 777 and 787 Dreamliner jets and added that the company had retaliated against him when he raised concerns.

He doubled down on the claims a week later, adding on NBC that 787s should be grounded fearing 'fatal flaws' which could case them to fall apart mid-air.

In a 1,500 word statement, Boeing said it was 'fully confident' in the 787 and called concerns about structural integrity 'inaccurate.'

April 26

Delta flight 520 was forced to make an emergency landing at JFK Airport when an emergency slide fell off the Boeing 767 an hour into its journey to Los Angeles.

FAA records indicated that the plane was 33 years old.

April 30

A second whistleblower, Joshua Dean, died suddenly aged 45 having raised the alarm about supposed defects in 737 Max jets.

The former Spirit employee previously said he was fired from his quality auditing role for questioning standards at the supplier's plant in Wichita, Kansas, in October 2022.

His family said on social media that Dean died in hospital after a sudden illness.

Earlier in 2024, Dean spoke with NPR about being fired. 'I think they were sending out a message to anybody else. If you are too loud, we will silence you,' he said.

May 22

'I thought it was the end': Passengers on Qatar Airways rocked by turbulence approaching Dublin say flight attendants were injured and sent into air

A 73-year-old British man was killed on a Boeing 777-300ER after extreme turbulence caused pandemonium in the cabin forcing pilots to make an emergency landing.

The aircraft journeying from London to Singapore with 221 passengers as well as 18 crew members descended 6,000 metres in five minutes.

The brutal turbulence caused pure chaos in the cabin with some blacking out after being thrown around.

Geoffrey Kitchen, 73, who was travelling to his son's wedding abroad, suffered a fatal heart attack during the ordeal, whilst seven others are fighting for their lives.

Upwards of 80 people were injured during the extreme turbulence which left the cabin showered in debris and terrified passengers desperately trying to stop blood flowing from severe cuts and blunt force injuries

May 26

Eight people were taken to hospital - and 12 were injured in total - after a Qatar Airways flight experienced extreme turbulence on its approach to Dublin airport.

Terrified passengers detailed how flight attendants were tossed into the air hitting the ceiling of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

'There was panic, the look of panic everywhere,' passenger Emma Rose Power said.

'Some of the flight attendants had scratches to their face, ice to their face... one girl had a sling on her arm.'

Another traveller named Eileen described her horrifying experience, as her partner Tony was forced to hold her down to prevent her from being launched out of her chair.

Eileen has been sleeping without her seat belt on.

A teary-eyed Eileen shared: ''It was so scary... I am not in a hurry to get back on a plane I can tell you.'


by dulan drift ⌂, Monday, July 15, 2024, 18:15 (55 days ago) @ dan

Couldn't get that link to load.

But here's another entry ...

July 13: EVA flight No. BR05 took off from LAX International Airport at 1:03 p.m. local time, but about three hours into the flight began experiencing problems with the right engine and was forced to return. The Boeing 777-300ER arrived safely back at LAX at 9:32 p.m


by dan, Monday, July 15, 2024, 18:52 (55 days ago) @ dulan drift

Yep, saw that and tried to add it to the list but the server for this service I'm using has been down for nearly a day.

When it comes back up, an ongoing list for 2024 mishaps will be at

Given the revolving door nature of the US Corporatocracy, perhaps the acting director of the US Secret Service will soon switch positions with the CEO of Boeing!


by dan, Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 19:10 (47 days ago) @ dan

Another one:

July 14

FAA investigates Tampa-bound Southwest flight that plunged to 150 feet above water

A Southwest Airlines flight bound for Tampa International Airport descended rapidly on July 14, plunging more than 1,500 feet in just over a minute and coming within 150 feet of the surface of Tampa Bay. - Tampa Bay Times

The link to the list of 2024 Boeing incidents I posted earlier was messed up. This is the correct link:

EDIT: Can you imagine being 150 above water and miles out from the airport?


by dulan drift ⌂, Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 19:22 (47 days ago) @ dan

EDIT: Can you imagine being 150 above water and miles out from the airport?

After suddenly plunging 1500 ft! That's gotta be a freak-out if you're a passenger with a window seat.


by dan, Saturday, August 03, 2024, 20:02 (36 days ago) @ dulan drift

August 3

It's Sounding Like Boeing's Starliner May Have Completely Failed

An unnamed "informed" source told Ars Technica that there's a greater than 50 percent probability that the stranded astronauts will end up leaving the International Space Station on a SpaceX Dragon capsule, with another unnamed person telling the news outlet that the scenario is highly likely.

The Starliner project has been cursed from the beginning, with delays and hardware issues during the development and production of the capsule, which has seen Boeing eating something like $1.6 billion in losses.

Despite technical troubles before the launch, NASA went ahead with Starliner's first crewed mission in June. While on approach towards the space station, Starliner experienced helium leaks and issues with its thrusters, forcing NASA and Boeing to delay its return back home with the astronauts so that engineers back on the ground could troubleshoot the problems.

Many signs are now pointing towards SpaceX rescuing the stranded astronauts, according to Ars. These signs include the space agency giving more than a quarter million dollars to SpaceX for a "SPECIAL STUDY FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE," and SpaceX actively training for the likely situation of the company sending a Dragon capsule to the space station to bring the astronauts home.

It would be a bad look all around, because it would mean the American government had funneled a total of $5.8 billion into malfunctioning junk.

I'm doing my best to keep this page updated with Boeing snafus.

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