Chat-GPT on Covid origin (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Saturday, May 06, 2023, 13:53 (359 days ago) @ dan

Very interesting. It's clearly geared up to spread the 'natural origin' disinfo - even gives pangolin a mention. It's back-up is Fauci's latest line: it's very complex & we may never know - which is what they're aiming for as a final resting place.

You nailed it on your question of 'What people or organizations exactly were spreading lab-leak conspiracy theories?'

Shows that it's happy to spread unsubstantiated generalizations (rubbish) that are straight off the Zoonati's talking points.

Also it keeps referring to investigations by WHO & even China that may help solve the origin question. As if anything that comes out of those two orgs would be trustworthy!

The other thing is that it's angling to keep the investigation in-house amongst Science Experts, when it's the Science Experts who likely caused Covid & have definitely been obfuscating efforts to understand the origin.

It's a criminal investigation primarily. Don't need to be a science expert to understand the origin - it's better if you're not.

It's pretty simple: Interrogate the fuck out of our chief persons of interest - offer immunity for first one to come clean. Mass-manslaughter charges for the rest.

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