Planting Seasons (Plants)

by dan, Thursday, March 01, 2012, 20:11 (4451 days ago) @ dulan drift

Thanks for the information regarding coffee. I WILL plant coffee some day.

"The general rule for most vegies is to put them in towards the end of of Sep, when you feel the typhoon season has finished. This seems to work well for: tomatoes, lettuce, green pepper, carrots, beans, peas

Most of that stuff is coming to an end now, and as such, i was wondering if there's anything that's good to go right now? Got any info on that?"

No, I don't, but I'll find out this weekend. I'm heading to Chenggong tomorrow to buy some seeds in the hopes of getting one last crop of hardy lettuce in, but I'll ask the local Ami farmers what they're planting now.

If nothing else, this is a good time to get diguaye (sweet potato or yam leaves; there are a few varieties) and kongqingcai started. Both those crops take at least six weeks to harvest, but once mature, you can harvest them all summer. You start diguaye from cuttings, and we have some. Last summer, our staples were diguaye and the wild and wonderful heitiancai (see Heitiancai dies off in mid summer, sometime around late July / early August, just before typhoon season. So, there's a period there where the only veggie we had last summer was diguaye, which is a godsend.

I'm really interested in viable summer vegetables, especially those that can be harvested frequently like the winter veggies. This is the time to learn about such things.

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