Birds of Taiwan (General)

by dulan drift ⌂, Wednesday, January 11, 2012, 18:44 (4489 days ago) @ dan

Once i secured his feet, he seemed to calm down. The beak looks fierce, but i think they do most of their damage with their talons. today, I had him in a cage to transport him and when i went to grab him to release him, he rolled over onto his back and went for me with his talons - i was wearing thick gardening gloves, but i could still feel it.
I think he was pretty much an adult - they are called sparrow hawks, or 'chye ing' in Chinese. They don't grow that big. Main prey is small birds. They couldn't handle a full grown chicken, but the chicks are prime targets.
I don't mind losing the odd chicken to native animals, but as you know, i am not so understanding of dog owners that let their dogs roam free to maraud at will.

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